HPHI is proud to be one of the leading training providers in the Mediterranean in Passive House (Passivhaus), offering a wide range of accredited Passive House Courses. Our team of highly experienced educators has been delivering informed and stimulating training since 2012 to audiences around the region who want to get to grips with the most challenging of energy efficiency standards.
Training seminars for engineers, tradespersons and companies about Passive House Standard. Our trainers are specialized professionals with a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience on the Passive Building Standard. Specialized Masterclass seminars are also provided that refer to specific sections of the Standard.
Clik here to see which one suits you.
Passive House Days
Are you enthusiastic about the Passive House concept and its advantages? Then take part in the Open Days and motivate others to join the movement by sharing your knowledge and experiences!
Passive House building owners worldwide are opening their doors to show visitors what highly energy efficient buildings are all about. As well as all the opportunities to talk and learn about Passive House, participants can experience Passive House buildings, both residential and non-residential, for themselves. Enjoy the comfortable interior temperatures, take a look at the ventilation system, ask questions and consider the possibilities of Passive House for your own building projects.